Currently unemployed and trying to be an intrepid nomad, living a simple existence with only my backpack and a notepad for company, but I miss my cat and I miss nice shoes and I know I'll miss tea before too long. I am at the crossroads in my life now, still only twenty-something but reeling at the thought that next year I will be thirty and nowhere near to being the person I want to be. So hence the travels. I'm still but a blank canvas.
I just gagged on my yogurt....
Three more words for Mariah:
No more tanning.
Does this girl realize that looking like a pleather couch is NOT AT ALL APPEALING?!
Geez. Then again, she has millions of guys oogling her and I don't.
BUT AT LEAST WE HAVE GOOD FASHION SENSE DOWN HERE. (I think she looks like she has been beamed down by aliens.)
Gravity gonna getcha if ya don't SUPPORT THOSE THANGS, GIRL!
"If men had boobs, gravity would be outlawed."--My Wife
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