Wednesday, December 21

One word Mariah: Bra


n : an undergarment worn by women to support their breasts [syn: brassiere, bandeau]


Stacy The Peanut Queen said...


I just gagged on my yogurt....


Porkchop said...

Three more words for Mariah:

No more tanning.

Does this girl realize that looking like a pleather couch is NOT AT ALL APPEALING?!

Geez. Then again, she has millions of guys oogling her and I don't.

BUT AT LEAST WE HAVE GOOD FASHION SENSE DOWN HERE. (I think she looks like she has been beamed down by aliens.)

Fred W said...

Gravity gonna getcha if ya don't SUPPORT THOSE THANGS, GIRL!

"If men had boobs, gravity would be outlawed."--My Wife