Friday, February 17

They can take our lives, but they cannot take our freedom!

I’ve recently got to thinking a lot about myself and who I am and I don’t think for one minute I am living the life I should be.  Somehow I fell into a Suburban Nightmare and it sure is hard to get out!  

But I’m making my plans so it’ll work out in the end, I know that.  I feel like I would be very happy to denounce all things material, grab my jeans and a rucksack and walk the world as a nomad for the rest of my life.  As long as I have a good bed for the nights, good shampoo and internet access at least three times a week I know I’d be happy.

I want to be free.  I want to throw caution to the wind and live life on a razor’s edge.  I want to run naked screaming.  I want to grow my hair and become a hippy.  I want to walk barefoot everywhere.  And I want to dance and dance and dance and not care what anyone thinks.

I want to love it all.

And I will.


Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

I believe you would! :)

sands of time said...

Thats what i'd love to do.I say if you can then one day do it.