Tuesday, March 21


Rocker and I have an ongoing debate about going out to the Third World countries as an aid worker. It's something I'd love to do and something I know I'd be good at. Rocker thinks it's too dangerous and sticking your nose (and beliefs) into other countries is a bad, bad idea.

After watching The Constant Gardener yesterday afternoon, I'd love more than anything to go and do it. But it proves that sometimes you have to give your life for what you believe in. I know it's just a film and the characters are fictional, but it is based somewhere in truth.

I just envy Rachel Weisz's character, Tessa Quayle so much in that she's not afraid of anything. She pushes and pushes and has total belief in what she is doing. She has passion and is never compelled to bite her tongue. I want to feel like that one day.

Maybe one day I will do that.

I'd also like to become something of a revolutionary. You know like a female-Che but without the guns and the war (and the beard). A barefoot, gentle revolutionary, that's me.

Rocker thinks I'm naive to think there will ever be peace in this world but I think there'd be no point in life if we gave up hope.


Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

I SO wanted to join the Peace Corps before I met the PK...it was something I was seriously considering. I was scared about it...but I had such a desire to see other places, help other people...it was overwhleming.

Then my plan fell apart and nothing I planned worked out (as often happens in life, right???)

Well, I guess it could still happen....who knows? ;)

Never give up hope!

Rainypete said...

Peace is always at our fingertips, but the world needs to look past itself. It's amazing what pride can do, but one person or country can be pitted against any other simply because of ego. Just imagine what could be done if we stopped worrying quite so much about ourselves and more about the others around us. Freaky!