Belly's gonna get you
I have decided I must cut down on the amount of crap I eat. I'm starting to feel uncomfortable and there is nothing worse than that. So the Cat and I are now on a diet and no longer eating for the sake of it. This morning I thought someone was following me until I realised that it was my big fat ass behind me!!
Hey I'll never be Nicole Richie and I accept that I'm a womanly wonder woman but the treats trolley comes around at 10 am and 3 pm every single day and I'm always drawn to it. Cake is my weakness, crisps are the cure.
It's the boredom see. Nothing about work inspires me. Except mucking about and chatting and emailing, that is.
And philosophising. If that's a word.
Crisps = chips, right?
I think I'm headed to our break room for some peanuts, chips or popcorn...and it's only 9:12 AM.
My downfall is chocolate.I don't care for cake and crisps too much.
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