Thursday, April 13

Fantasy Island

So last night I did a Magpie and watched the second half of Narnia. Wow. I damn near wet my pants with excitement – it’s so jolly wonderful! Maybe a little superficial in places and I think some of the effects were a little rusty (c’mon if you compare them to what Peter Jackson can do) but 9 out of 10 for the film.

The battle scenes were, of course, my favourite and I caught myself shouting out "Ooooh look, a polar bear!" and "A unicorn, a unicorn – did you see that unicorn?!" louder than the kids. I am such a big baby but I’m sorry – all those fantastical beasts in one piece of celluloid history? It’s like Harryhausen all over again. Griffins, pheonixes, unicorns, minotaurs, James McEvoy… – magical creatures that make Wondy’s heart soar.

King Kong is next – the Special super-duper gold-plated monkey-shaped Edition disc is winging it’s way to Wondy Towers as we speak. I can barely contain myself.


Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

I LOVED the movie...actually much much better than the book (which isn't often the case).


Anonymous said...

I havent seen Narnia yet,I bougt it for my daughter and mailed it to her for easter.I will have to wait for her to come home to see it.