Tuesday, April 11

Riddle Me This

Today I have my trusty Little Book of Buddhism with me and I intend to start my spiritual research on my lunch break. Or actually, I would but I have to go get three birthday cards, so I’ll have to start this evening instead. Hmpf.

April is my most busy month for birthdays.

Haven’t much to report this morning. Frazzle (Rocker’s youngest) has gone on a health kick and spent last night showing me her new yoga moves. She’s 10.

While I nodded encouragingly and cracked open a new tub of Oh My! Apple Pie!, she showed me the Warrior, the Lotus, the Hippopotamus (probably). I’m really proud she’s being so conscientious but it does worry me that a ten-year-old could become preoccupied with her weight.

Body hang-ups are supposed to come later on and haunt your dreams right up until the day you die, surely?

Oh yes and a pigeon just flew full on into our office window. It’s freaked me right out. Reminds me of The Birds.



Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

Buddhism...how cool! You've gotta give me the lowdown on the basics. Sounds VERY interesting!

Yoga, huh? I was A WHOLE LOT MORE fleixble at 10 than I am now. Now, I'd risk too many joints popping out of place to do much of that stretching! ;)

Anonymous said...

i still find the birds a little scary when i watch it.