Tuesday, April 18

Tan, Baby, Tan

I did a self-tanning wipe on Saturday and even if I say so myself I think it was worth it.

Rocker laughed hysterically to wind me up – as I dashed to the mirror I thought the worst – that I’d morphed into the b*stard love child of David Dickinson and Jodie Marsh But thankfully, just a light layer of golden breadcrumbs (I mean, tan) is evident.

I might actually start building it up – I’m sick of being pale and interesting. My friend Boo does Johnsons Holiday Skin and she always looks a gorgeous colour.

I asked the opinion of a colleague and she said: "Yes you can tell, you don’t look as red as normal".


1 comment:

Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

I LOVE to sun bathe...I could lay in the sun for HOURS but now I get my tan from a can (ever since they cut that chunck of skin cancer out of my arm). I love it, other than having to keep applying it every other day or so.

So the wipes work, huh? I'll have to give them a try! :)