Tuesday, April 18

Danger! Danger! High Voltage

Rocker has drawn up a strict ‘Packing Plan’ for us to complete over the next twelve weeks. It’s pretty good that one of us is organised and ready to go. I for one would be fannying about like a fart in a trance having not done anything by the time moving day came.

I’m such a ditz.

Rocker has banned all weekend ‘bookworming’ until all the chores are done. This includes unauthorised blogging. So my weekend gossip may be relegated to Sunday nights only for the foreseeable future.

Incidentally, I thought I’d just found a severed finger in the little girl’s room but it turned out to be a piece of carrot.

Another of life’s big disappointments.



Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

Well, an adventurer has to do what an adventurer has to do! We'll still be here when you get 'round to regular blogging again. :)

Sorry you didn't find a real honest-to-God finger...that would've been really...interesting. :)

Chica said...

"fannying about like a fart in a trance "

Oh my god, I am totally stealing that line. My boyfriend will love it! x