Friday, June 16

The (Book) Worm Turns

I've started my book. I've got the title and I've got the characters. I've got the general jist, though that's open to alteration as the ideas rear their heads as I go. This might be a short story, it might be a novel. It could be a book of essays.

Watch out world, I'm a-coming!


Rainypete said...

I love the feeling of starting anew writing. It feels liek walking out your door witha backpack and alittle bit of money with nodetinsation in mind. I look forward to the journey almost as much as the reader does.

Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

*dances around the room badly...thinking she looks cool*


(I'm sorry...but my word verification is "OFTADHIK" (Oft a dhik???) that funny to anyone else but me???)

Heather said...

YAY FOR WONDY WOMAN! I can't wait to read some snippets. I'll show you mine if you show me yours!!!

No, you dirty dirty people. I am talking about BOOKS!