Thursday, June 15

Murakami Forever

From: Woman, Wondy
Sent: 15 June 2006 11:08
To: 'Wondy Bro'
Subject: RE:

I have only so far read the one book by the great man but I do believe he is a genius.

The key to good writing I believe is to put value on the simplistic as well as the surreal. The Wind-up Bird Chronicle, although it's plot twists and turns you inside out, the style of writing is not complicated, in parts it is matter of fact and it pulls out pieces of life that are mundane and normal and highlights them, for instance the way he describes feeding the cat, or cooking a meal or changing the cat's name to mackerel. In a sense you can make up your own mind whether or not these are symbolic and part of the overall story or whether they are insights into a character, etc. I admire that.

Next up for me in Norwegian Wood. I am on the verge of throwing the Da Vinci Code out of the window, it grates on me so much. My opinion is that Dan Brown is trying too hard to be a good writer and his style is clichéd and forced and there's no even flow. It doesn't pull me in like other books and I keep hitting a brick wall.

I love Douglas Coupland, have you ever read any of his stuff? He's kookie in a subtle way and he moves quite well with the times, his new one is called JPod and it's about a bunch of computer geeks. I really want to read that.

My writing is going ok, it's in essay form - I'm really not sure where I want to go with it - I like the essay style format, Woody Allen did a good book of essays - but do I want to write a novel or what? It's true what you say and what Murakami says - let the words and ideas spew forth, then collect them up and put them together like blocks of Lego.

Hey even if I never show it to another living soul I can say I wrote a book and I'll know I achieved one goal.

I have a title already though, of that part I am sure on...

From: Wondy Bro
Sent: 15 June 2006 10:49
To: Woman, Wondy

How’s the writing going?

There’s a passage in the Murakami book Sputnik Sweetheart that talks about the process of writing to order ones thoughts..." when I didn't understand something, I gathered the words scattered at my feet and order them into sentences.....on a day to day basis I use writing to work out who I am "

Murakami has the power to create profound notions with few words...." Who can really distinguish between the sea and what's reflected in it? Or tell the difference between the falling rain and loneliness?"

Unbelievable man, and a true champion of the limitless realm of creativity. A man who writes without boundaries.In dreams!!

Keep at it, all you need to do is put words in the right order to match the readers’ mood and in time those words will shape moods. Find your flow

Love and light Sister of mine

I sure do publish a lot of my emails. I can't help myself - I have such fantastic influences in my life I want to share them with everyone, so the world knows they are great, like I do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

your brother sounds lovely.

i say write a book. i did and, although i never got it published or anything, it was so cool. i love knowing i did that.