Tuesday, June 13

Queen of the Stone Age

Wondy Mum and I are going to the Palace to have tea with the Queen in July and I can't wait. Must remember not to say 'Fuck' in front of her. I might even get a skirt for the occasion.

I think maybe I should rephrase the first part. Whilst we are having tea with the Queen, I must point out that there will be other people present, it's not like a Private Audience with her Madge, though that would rock. No, we are attending the Royal Garden Party and may not even get to meet the crazy broad, but I hope I do.

It's such a quintessentially British thing to do and it's bordering on retro-tastic so of course I'm delirious with excitement. And to share it with the coolest woman in the world is even better!

Now if I can just perfect my curtsy it'll be all good.


shocking_fish said...

maybe you would be able to bring me back a small gift from the palace.. how about a royal? any one except Princess Meachal of Kent

Rainypete said...

We will all await pictures and a recap of Wondy in her Royal Tea finery. The queen would be busy, but I'm sure you could chat with Camilla.

Anonymous said...

First, you must get a skirt. It’s the QUEEN. Secondly, here is proof that British=cool. I don’t ever get to have tea with a Queen. I don’t even get to be within fifty feet of the President.

Anonymous said...

Oh so exciting Wondy.You have to wear a hat.One of those fancy ones.

Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

VERY cool, Wondy! ;)

(And us royal types aren't really as stuffy as everyone thinks we are. We like to party just like everyone else...I've been known to slip a shot of rum in my early mornning coffee just like the chick in the office next to mine!;)