Tuesday, June 13

Surf's Up!

I had to post this encouraging comment I got on my page from the mysterious The Silver Surfer, because it is such good advice:

Wondy Woman, just do it!

Start writing that weekly column!
Even if it is just for you!

That will give you -
1) Experience of writing a weekly column.
2) Finding out how to tell a story with a weekly deadline looming.
3) Well worth stories that maybe you can show to a newspaper person for his/her critique and/or guidance in how to get your foot in the door IF that is really what you want to do.

YOU can do it, I know you can.

Tell it like it is.
Tell what has happened to you.
Tell what has happened to members of your family.
Tell what has happened to friends.
and when all else fails, just tell what you see today!

Save everything you write since you will eventually use it all and you never know when you may want it or need it.

I can tell you more but it's time for me to surf away for now.

Thanks for your encouragement, it's nice to get a boost from a stranger every now and then.

For more Silver Surfer and the power of positive thinking go here.


Anonymous said...

I FIRMLY agree with Surfer's Just Do It philosophy. You don't know until you try. If your blog is any evidence, your writing is wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Me again...

I think you ought to post your weekly writing on the blog. I'd love to read it, and I promise to be totally honest about it!