Monday, July 31

Everything but the Madge

My mid-life crisis is coming on nicely in terms of completely freaking out at the realisation that I have less than 18 months to go before I am (*cough cough*) 30.

To be precise, as we might as well be, there are just fourteen months and 25 days until I will be blowing out thirty candles on a cake shaped like a big arse (at least I hope that's what I get).

When asked to describe what it feels like to be in the crux of an early-midlife crisis, all I could say is that it feels like sheer panic, like the grip of all the things I was supposed to do has me by the throat and is shouting in my ear: "Come on, then!". It keeps me awake at night, it sends sporadic shivers down my spine, it pokes me with a stick when I'm not looking.

On the plus side I have been thinking about the birthday party I might like to have, because if thirty is coming for me I might as well take us both down in style. As inspired by Richard's recent Big Brother Madonna themed birthday party, I bring you: Madonna and her Greatest Loves.

Yes, the point of the party will be to come dressed as Madge in any of her incarnations or as one of her great loves, be it Carlos Leon, Warren Beatty, Dennis Rodman,Sandra Bernhard,Vanilla Ice, Wondy Woman - oops, how'd that get on the list?

The options are endless!

That night I'm going to party like it's 1999...


Anonymous said...

I may well be flying to the UK if you have a Madonna party. That would be so awesome.

Worry not about the big 3-0. You don't look a day over 20 to me.

Anonymous said...

Your thinking about how quick im heading towards to big 50.

Rainypete said...

Like most hollywood movies, turning thirty is all hype and no substance. I'm 32 in a couple of months and you only feel the looming age if you set yourself objectives that can't be met. Don't worry about what you haven't done and instead choose to be the oddball type in society and actually get off your arse and do something about getting to those objectives.

shocking_fish said...

Well Im 7 months older than you - so you will always have someone to say that your younger than! I dont mind - well maybe a little

SF xxx