Monday, July 31


I am seriously coveting a pair of Crocs, in Fuchsia, au naturallment. They are the most ugly wonderful shoe I have ever seen and remind me of my hideous kinky bright orange rubber Birkenstock clogs, which I love, but make my feet sweat.

Crocs have more ventilation and are made from an anti-bacterial rubber material which discourages things like that - I want, I want, I want!

So far the cheapest I have found are £29 with free P & P, which is pretty good. She wants beige and I want the brighter the better. Accept no substitutes.

NB: so far the confession that I am dying to become a Croc Girl has been met with everything from pure horror to mockery to pity. People are just going to have to trust me on this, they are the future.



Anonymous said...

Everyone wears those here and i HATE,HATE HATE them.

Anonymous said...

Despite my penchant for liking everything you like, we must part ways on this one. I despise Crocs. They're gardening shoes! Yark!

Bre said...

I grudgingly admit that they are the most comfortable thing ever but I must say that I find them strikingly hideous! Still... comfy!