Tuesday, July 4

I'm Just Visiting

I've been majorly lazy the last few days. The heat here is unbearable, the simplest of tasks rendered nigh on impossible. Not that I'm complaining. It gives me the alibi I need from doing anything.

The weekend was mostly uneventful. A quick birthday drink with the Eighteen-year-olds, then home for a curry and the Live Big Brother Eviction. Aisleyne got booted out, except she didn't.

Instead she was swept into the secret Big Brother house next door where she was soon joined by the five new housemates: Jayne, Jennie, Jonathan, Michael and Spiral (who I have the urge to call 'Squirrel'). Pretty much yawn from what I can see so far and nothing particularly special about any of the newbies, though time may tell. Aisleyne is getting right up my nose with her 'this is my yard' musings.

Nikki went back up in my estimation when she had me cracking ribs in hysterics during the 'Blind Disco Dancing Challenge'. TV Gold, no less. I want her to win.

Got some nice wedges and a feather headdress for the Queen on Saturday, well I'll be wearing them but she will be more than welcome to borrow either if she expresses the desire. One week today and Wondy Mum and I will be preparing to board the train to old London town, where we will embark on tea with HRH (I wonder if HRH is on HRT? - that would be a funny headline!).

Cannot. Freakin. Wait.

Nothing deep or meaningful to report. The Estate Agents reckon we will exchange in the next two weeks but I'm not holding my breath. As soon as we do exchange I will hand in my notice at work though. I feel kinda bad because I know I'm well-liked at work (this week), but all the others are making their plans to escape too so it's only right I do too.

I want to be free, I don't want to be shackled to my desk for the rest of my good years, becoming more and more like a husk of my former self. It's criminal to waste life, even worst than making mistakes and having regrets. At least you can learn from those mistakes, but what if one day one of Rocker's daughters asks me a question about life and I can't answer it because I haven't lived? I don't want that.

So I'm not going to settle for it.

A Congratulations shout-out also to The Porn Baron, who has just heard some fantastic news: he's to become Marketing Director for his company! Well done chuck, you deserve it - remember your old friends down here at the bottom, eh?

1 comment:

sineadollie said...

hey wondy i have everything crossed for you for the exchange.. hope it goes well... freedome ...:)