Saturday, September 2

Moshi Moshi

A lovely day yesterday, hyphenated by a trip to Moshi Moshi, hands down my favourite restaurant ever. Sushi has got to be one of my favourite foods out there, and to consider that it taste amazing and is food for the brain, well it can't get any better can it?

I usually stay relatively safe though, and go for my trusty Makizushi platter. They even send you home with a doggy bag should you fail to clear your plate in the restaurant (which invariably I do, having pigged myself on plates from the conveyor belt).

So now you could say, as I eat this while posting and catching up on my favourite blogs, that I am reading Yummy Sushi Pajamas actually as I eat yummy sushi. In my pyjamas.

*he he*

I want to also thank my friend Jesus Antonio, for keeping me company during my insomnia attack the night before last. He is very kind and positive and we talked about love.



antonio said...

It was my honor and my pleasure!!!

kisses and thanks for the pieces of advice!!


Anonymous said...

Aw! Thanks for the link! I am just glad to have you back!

Mmmm..... sushi. I adore sushi.