Friday, September 1

What Have We Done?

The enormity of what we've done has just hit me. I'm having one of those 4 a.m. freakouts, does anyone else out there suffer from them?

I have no job and no home! What kind of a mother am I that I can't offer Lucy Fur her own house to nest in? I'm a bum! Ok, I've been a bum for all of a 24 hour period but it's terrifying to have the rug of security taken away from under your feet. Well, I gave it away really, I chose this - this is part of the life plan!

So I contacted the Immigration Lawyers yesterday and today I have the sweaty application forms in my hands (these Canucks don't beat around the bush). Our entire future rides on these seemingly innocuous pieces of paper. I'm scared to start filling them in in case something comes up that will halt us forever. I can't think what that might be.

Maybe Canada doesn't let ginger people through it's gates, who knows?

So apart from downsizing my possessions (again) and working through abandonment issues with the cat, my weekend is pretty much going to be filled with form filling. Pen pushing, I think they call it.



antonio said...

just CHILL OUT!!!
Everything comes at proper time!!


Anonymous said...

I'm with Antonio on this one. Chill... take a breather... get a massage or something.

Canada, what? That is SO close enough for me to come visit! Toronto???

wondy woman said...

Yeah baby! Probably outskirts of Toronto - I was born there!

Rainypete said...

Ginger folksa re definietly welcome. My Dad was welcomed in over 40 years go and now 2 generations later there are mor ginger Rainy's running about over here. I'll pull some strings over here for you if needed. Let me know when you manage to sneak in and I'll drop over and say howdy.

wondy woman said...

Hey Pete, thank you! I'll get the beers in for that day!

Actually, have been recommended Hamilton as a good place to start in Canada so you never know, we might be hanging in the same 'hood one of these days. Need a babysitter? I'll be your gal!

Peace, you lovely man x