Thursday, September 7

Rip Her to Shreds

Anne Hathaway is winding me up.

I know I mentioned her previously (and even more previously) and that should of been that, but I can't help it, I look at this picture and I am overwhelmed by a mixture of emotions.

Yummy Sushi Pajamas and I have discussed this before and I didn't see the attraction when she first mentioned how drop dead gorgeous this woman is, but now this picture has sealed the deal.

Firstly, I must say first and foremost, this picture has a very negative effect on my self-esteem. I look at it and I feel guilt because I'm three times the size of her, still have spots at 28 and will never be able to tame my hair like that.

I am not one of these girls that ever gives a flying fuck about what magazines and the media tell me I should be. If I did, I wouldn't always reach for that second donut, would I? Kate Moss is a goddess but I never want to be like her. I like myself for the most part.

And then something odd happens and I see a person and they make me feel guilty because they don't seem flawed at all, while I am flawed all over.


Secondly, I might have a weird crush on her because she's so striking in The Devil Wears Prada. She's like a work of art you have to look at.


But you know, whatever, that will pass. I am great in many ways myself and I bet you'd never see her making a fool of herself just to get a laugh.


Anonymous said...

See, she is totally mesmerizing, no?

I think she rocks.

However, I also happen to find you quite beautiful as well. I prefer redheads anyway.

Anonymous said...

I thought she was wonderful in Brokeback Mountain, but I think that's just because everything else she does is so Disneyfied. She is pretty, though.

wondy woman said...

Ah H, that's so sweet! I prefer you to her too - we're much more interesting anyway!!