Thursday, October 12

Cinema Paradiso

Rocker and I have spent another afternoon in the cinema, watching The Departed, the new Martin Scorsese. It's awesome and undoubtedly one of his best films.

Go see.

(I think Rocker sees it as the perfect antidote to The Devil Wears Prada)

But it leaves me with something of a dilemma:

How is it that I now have a minor crush on Leonardo DiCaprio?

That's not on. Not at all.

I hate when that happens...


Chica said...

On DiCaprio?? No, Wondy, no!! Damon is the eye candy in this movie surely? This is the second recommendation I've had for this film today. Get you two swanning off to afternoon movies! How romantic :) x

wondy woman said...

*Head hung in shame*