Tuesday, March 13

Beauty Bear

Last night I had a lovely evening, impromptu though it was, for it was Doctor Lurve's birthday and we appeared in force at the squash club to celebrate his special day.

It was a nice evening because first off I got to see my lovely friend Ellie (AKA Fragglehump) - whom I gave not one but three boxes of rogue sex toys (left over from past assignments from Shocking Fish) - which were joyously accepted.

Let me tell you, nobody knows surreal until they have sat around with their own mother, struggling to shove a battery case between the legs of a day glo rubber teddy bear.

The things we do for friendship, I tell you.

And secondly, I got to finally meet Philippa - the awesome, cool Philippa.

She is so beautiful and lovely - but most importantly funny. Funny is good. In fact, I won't tolerate people in my life who don't know how to laugh.

Especially at my jokes.



SAPPY BUGGER ALERT: I just also wanted to add, that it is a lovely feeling to know, that no matter what happens to you in life, you will always have certain friends who will still love you.

That really is priceless.


Monogram Queen said...

Funny is a must for me too. I can't stand "stick-up-their-ass" kind of people.
You look great in those glasses! Tres' intelligente'

wondy woman said...

Thank you - every little helps me look smart!

Actually, the glasses aren't mine, they are my friend Ellie's - she's trying to get me to take responsibility and get my eyes tested so I can get some cool specs - but I'm scared of getting the blowy thing in my eyes by the optician.

I never said I wasn't a pussy!

Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

Wondy, I LOVE the new 'do! I wish I had the adventure in me to make a change like that...so is it easier to take care of now? You like it better than the long locks?

wondy woman said...

Aw thanks, PQ - I do love it - it is so much easier to care for! I am glad I went for it - yours is gorgeous though... but you should go for it too if you feel the need!

Part of my motivation is going back to Thailand, it's going to be peek season and unbearable if it's too long!

So, I think - short wins over long.

Anonymous said...

You're adorable and I will certainly love you always. And don't be afraid of the eye poof. I've had it done. It doesn't hurt, it's just damn surprising.

wondy woman said...

Actually, I spoke to my friend and she's assured me they don't do that poofy thing as standard, only if there is a reason to do it like glaucoma, which I hope I don't have.

I am such the wimp!

Unknown said...

hey gorgeous, had the best best best time with you on monday - thank you for making it amazing xxx

wondy woman said...

Thank YOU sweet potato head - I loved it too! x x