Wednesday, March 21

Get Into The Hoof

Every day I wake up and feel guilty for not having a job. Isn't it funny?

I worked non-stop and without a break in two jobs for a year and the minute I take a breather to do a bit of travelling and have some 'me' time - I feel guilty.

I have looked for a job but there's nothing really out there (not here anyway) - and it's not like I'm not doing anything with my time, I've been doing a little bit of reviewing for Shocking Fish and it's been good to be there for family and friends when they've needed it.

I'm going to stop feeling guilty - this time will be my student time, my time to reassess, to learn, to live cheaply, to see the world, to speak to people, to be free - because Buddha knows I'll soon be back in the rat race, probably back to working two jobs again and being so tired when I get home that I fall asleep on the sofa by ten thirty.

Every single night.

In other news, I have become obsessed with my feet and have been pumice stoning and massaging and pampering them solidly for two days.

My feet really get me down. If I could have them removed and swapped for hooves, I would.

I am a typical Sagittarius, afterall.


Anonymous said...
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Rebecca said...

;) hooves aren't much better with the upkeep and that they require.


Rainypete said...

I think mine are turning into hooves cos they've gone all yellow and hard in spots. Might be due to the only pampering they receive is in the form of new socks when I actually buy some.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Bex that hooves are going to require more work than it would seem.

I understand how you feel about work related issues, but this time without work is really a good thing for you. You more than deserve a chance to take time for yourself.

wondy woman said...

Thanks guys.

Bk - Ok, maybe I should have gone for a Mermaid's tail instead?

Pete - ew - but I have bought some cute pampering products including glittery moisturiser so if you ever want a pedicure, I'm your girl!

H - you are right, and I had a talk with WM and she said the same, I was feeling very bad this evening - but it's agreed - I've earned this and I'm going to enjoy it!

Love you x

Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

Right there with you girl...I'm a Capricorn, I'd like hooves too. ;)

Monogram Queen said...

I think a mermaids tail would be much more attractive than hoooves...
then again I wouldn't mind having hooves to kick the freak across the street in the 'nads!
Don't feel guilty Hon, do think of this as "your" time because you are right and you'll probably be back in the rat race all too soon.