Wednesday, March 28

Spot On

Some girls dream of Brad Pitt, George Clooney, that fit one out of Step Up with the stupid name.
I wake up from my slumber all rosy cheeked and sheepish, because I've been making out with Simon Pegg.

Go figure.

If I remember correctly we were both cops and the sexual tension was out of this world and then finally right before I woke - We. Got. It. On.

Oh yeah!

Well, I have just been to see Hot Fuzz - and Shaun of the Dead was on the telly the other night - so methinks I'm having Pegg Overload.

Not that I mind, I like a geeky boy as much as the next girl - and I love me some Pegg action.

Anyway, somewhere half-way through the dream he went and had it off with Dawn Swann from EastEnders, so the romance was hardly destined for success.

In other news, tomorrow I have a date with a beautiful girl (Fragglehump) and I have the most mahoosive spot on my nose. Can you believe that?

I fail to leave the house for nearly a week at a time and have the skin of a newborn - and as soon as I make plans my face decides to halt me with a fresh outcrop of hideousness.


Right, got lots and lots to do today so I'm off.



Rainypete said...

I absolutely love his work....not to mention his taste in portraiture. Then again I might be a bit biased right?

wondy woman said...

Yeah I did post this just for you, knew you'd get the reference!