Monday, April 2


I am so psyched!

(Always wanted a reason to say that!)

I just picked up three fantastic Indie films for just £2 each at Blockbuster.

OK, they are ex-rental titles but I couldn't give a flying fuck about that - I just can't wait to settle down and have my indie-fest!

I got: Junebug, Palindromes and the film version of the book, The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things (which I found agonising to read, but loved).

So that's good.

The sun is also shining so I am trying to cultivate a positive outlook after our horrific start to the weekend and get in the Easter holiday mood.

As of tomorrow, I will be official Dog/Cat/Housesitter for the Queen of Bling, who lives in the most amazing house - with a secret garden tucked around the back.

You wait.

I will try to take a shedload of photos of my week to share with you, my readers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome on all counts, Miss Wondy! Have a wonderful time with the pet sitting. I always love doing things like that!