Sunday, April 1

Heart Breaker

Friday started with a high octane Run Lola Run dash from Fragglehump's to Worthing Hospital for this Wonder Woman, as Rocker was admitted for 'tests'.

Apparently, after an ECG at the GP's for a pain in his arm, they found 'irregularities' and he was rushed, in an ambulance (without the weeooo weeooos, admittedly), to the EAU.

That's Emergency Assessment Unit, Fact Fans.

He is fine and they have found it was more a strain than a real chest-buster but let me tell you, I never want to go through that again and I'm pretty sure neither do the rest of Rocker's family.

Or Wondy Mum.

So, as we could both do with a little sprucing up, we are both going to start excercising regularly, and cutting down things like our cholesterol and fat intake.

Incidently, I have found that my natural reaction to stress and the shock of thinking I'm about to lose my boyfriend, is to completely fall to pieces in the back seat of a cab and have the driver have to comfort me.

"Could be worse love, he coulda been found face down on the carpet a few days later, know what I mean?".

He was fantabulous, and I love him.

Never again.


Chica said...


I'm so sorry you had to go through this and hope you and Rocker are both okay.

You know where I am if you need anything. I shall wing my way down south with a bowl of chicken soup if necessary.

Love you and hope everything is all right xxx

PS I don't know why chicken soup, it just seems comforting?

Rebecca said...

Oh honey! I'm terribly sorry both you and Rocker and the family had to go through that! Right on... exercise and eat healthfully. Hearts are nothing to mess with! Don't over do the exercise though... start out very slowly and work your way up.

<3 you!

antonio said...

Wondy and Rocker you know that If you need something just let me know.. I am with you and well I hope this is the last time you have to pass for this kind of stuff.
Take care and love for you both!!


wondy woman said...

Aw, you guys - I love you all! Thank you.

He's ok at present and it gave him a real scare, which can only be a good thing, right?

Things will be on the up from here, you'll see!

Thanks again, your support means the world.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear Rocker is alright. Sorry you both had to go through some scaries, but if it gives you both a reason to be healthy and happy and stay around for one another longer, it might have been worth it.

You two are adorable. You're going to have to wrangle him into a picture sometime soon.

Rainypete said... computer dies and I bogart the work machine to find this!!??!

It's times like this I'm not too chuffed about there being an ocean between here and there. I could come over with some healthy dinner for the two of you to nosh.

Sure we could almost always use a wake up call, but this seems a bit much. I'm just glad he's alright and I'm glad you got a decent cabbie as well!

wondy woman said...

Thanks H & Pete - I agree with you both, this situation can only be a good thing for us both - so we're lucky.

It just sucked at the time, that's all.

H - good luck, I can almost definitely guarantee there will never be a photograph of Rocker available to the public, I have been banned from ever publishing one, which I suppose is fair enough and I will respect it.

So sorry about that.

Maybe I should hire myself a fake Rocker to pose in photos with, instead - kind of like the visual version of a Hollywood 'Walker'?


Shocking Fish - what are you doing later?


Anonymous said...

Im so glad Rocker is okay.Must of been quite a shock.